Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"OH, the Places You'll Go and the People You'll Meet!"

I love that quote from Dr Seuss - it sums up so much in my life.

Last week I attended an annual picnic of a community group here in town I have been a part of for a few years now.

The Historic Connersville Inc. organization is dedicated to preserving history and the landmarks that represent that aspect of Connersville and Fayette County.

We were pausing in our Bicentennial Celebration prep efforts in order to fellowship with other members and invite new members into the fold.

I was unexpectedly joined at the table by a very attractive gentleman.

He sat across from me and immediately engaged me in conversation.

He introduced himself simply as Jonathon.

As it was a very hot day here in Indiana, he began his comments with the comparison of Texas and Indiana’s climates.

I agreed with his observations and said so.

This advanced the conversation the whole evening from the merits of different modes of transportation to possibilities one chose as entertainment choices in life and everything in between.

We had talked about trains with impromptu quizzes for each other about locomotive trivia, since we both knew that Thomas the Tank Engine was in town, and of course we both have a passion for the Whitewater Valley Railroad Company.

We had talked of Six Flags St Louis and the fact that we had both spent many exciting occasions there in our pasts.

The gentleman asked me of various activities I had enjoyed in St Louis while living there.

I was over joyed at the opportunity to share this jewel, in my opinion, as THE entertainment vacation destination secret.

Music and movies naturally developed as part of the conversation.

My dinner companion adeptly connected our previous topics in one fell swoop.

“What is your opinion of Tonto?”


He, for the first time the entire evening, had lost me.

“Have you ever seen the Lone Ranger shows on T.V.? THAT Tonto!”

As if there was ever any other….

I was still not following his stream of consciousness yet.


“WELL! Johnny Depp is Tonto!”

“Um…I, I don’t think he was, Jonathon.”

“HE IS! He IS! Though!”

I sat there with my mouth open and a kind smile upon my face as best I could manage.

Behind my smiling eyes, my mind was rapidly assessing the situation.

Jonathon’s insistence was bordering on the hysterical.

This was totally out of left field.

The typical participant in this group can be described in varying degrees as eccentric, but Jonathon was certainly not the typical participant, and before this unexpected outburst I would not have described him in any remote way as eccentric.

Spirited, intelligent, energetic, and handsome he most definitely was, but not eccentric.


Others were beginning to notice the conversation now.

“Are you referring to the old movies before my time Jonathon?”

“OH! Gosh, NO! There is a new one coming out soon!”

In a flash certain quips and comments my friends had been making as of late came zooming back to my mind.

They had been referring to THIS.

I instantly knew I was way out of the loop and one of my favorite movies was about to be played out this summer and I may have missed it had it not been for my new found friend!

“OH, I am sorry Jonathon. I have been on a BIT of a media fast for the last few weeks and obviously I chose an inopportune time!”

Everyone at our table snapped their heads in my direction.

THIS got their uninterrupted attention.

My media fast.

Not Jonathon’s almost hysterical insistence that Johnny Depp IS Tonto, but my media fast.

I told you our group is a bit eccentric.

Jonathon placed his hands upon the table and pushed himself back so that he could take a clearer gander at my newly exposed alien life form.


Others began to question me…

How do you get your news?

Weather reports?

You are obviously posting on your web outlets- we’ve been reading them! ….how do you generate ideas without media?!


That was the sound of my mind slipping gear from mild mannered historian and journalist to Libertarian Woman, fortressed on the Mount of the U.S. Constitution and armed with the hammer that is the Bill of Rights.

That tiny little thing I call my brain finally shouted and grabbed my mouth!

Make your point succinctly, quickly, and move on to another topic, BUT make your point!

“That last question is precisely WHY and HOW.”

Our fellow table companions were totally perplexed, shook their heads, and turned back to their own conversations. 

Jonathon leaned across the table at me and sincerely asked the question “WHY would any thinking person need the media to have ideas!?”

That is the exact moment I fell in love with Jonathon.

“I DO NOT KNOW” I somehow replied though adoring eyes.

Jonathon left off that “train of thought” and proceeded to tie Johnny Depp, Tonto, and the Whitewater Valley Railroad together for me.

“In the trailers I have viewed on many occasions Tonto, really Johnny Depp, uses the mail hook in a stunt that I have always wanted to try on the Whitewater Valley Railroad.”

“Jonathon, I think Lumpy, and the guys down at the rail yards, would strongly discourage us from that activity – UNLESS they could incorporate it into the Train Robbery excursion and generate more visitors!”

We both laughed loudly.

Jonathon took this opportunity to make his move.

“Right now I am here visiting my mother’s family. I live in northern Indiana. Maybe I can come down on another visit when the movie is playing and I can take you to view it with me.”

“Who is your mother?”

“Laura XXXXXX…”

I smiled.

I knew Laura very well long ago.

“I went to school with Laura, Jonathon.”

“Did you?! Great, then she won’t mind if we go to the movies together.”

“She may even want to join us Jonathon. Make sure to ask her.”

“I will. I am so glad I met you today, Sue.”

“Me too, Jonathon.”

My faith is restored in mankind and I have a shining ray of hope for a future Libertarian gentleman about to enter third grade this fall.

(I want to interject right here that HCI is NOT a political group. It is an historical society dedicated to preserving the area's history. This is, as all postings on The Adventures At Squirrely Acres are, my personal observations, not an indication of any political affiliation on the part of HCI. I just wanted to note that BEFORE anyone misunderstands...)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

New Life For Squirrely Acres

As with many things in this life Squirrely Acres as it was only lasted for a determined period of time.

Its new incarnation is housed in an apartment in a smaller town in East Central Indiana.

Operations have definitely changed, but are still dedicated to being self sufficient in nature.

Squirrely Acres has always been about accessing and using local resources in the most advantageous of ways.

The Little squirrel and I are determined to create a paradise on the balcony of this little empire on the second floor!

As we have been involved with our town’s efforts at organizing its Bicentennial Celebration for late June and early July our efforts here in the apartment have been stunted this spring.

This year is about plotting and planning and promoting.

Next season we should be ready to introduce Squirrely Acres as a new asset to the little city of Connersville, IN.

For now I will leave you with some views that inspire us to hope, plan, and enjoy this new life.

What in the world can we dream up to do with this some times shady and sometimes sun drenched balcony?!

New Adventures Await!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Squirrely Acres Has MOVED!!!!!!!!!

Squirrely Acres has moved BACK to Connersville Indiana.

This time we are truly going urban (urban in the small town sense any way...) and things are happening in


There are many new adventures up our sleeves.

Stay with us, we have not gone away.

Here is our chance to show you just how inventive, creative, and fun urban gardening can be, along with all the other things there are to do in the Central East Indiana region.

We will always have adventures, but we are changing a few things along the way.

Soon, you will see what the wait was for!

Today is National Trails Day so me and the littlest squirrel  are hitting the trails at the Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary!

We will post pics and tell the tales!

Have fun and stay squirrely!
