Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Joel Salatin - The Lunatic Farmer

So, OK.

I promised many folks that I would just gush and gush all about what Joel Salatin had to say in his speaking engagement on February 2, 2013 at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana.

But I have been uncharacteristically quiet.

There is a reason.

I had to soak up what I was becoming aware of.


Mr. Salatin has a much better grasp on IT than I did.

Here is the gist of IT all. IT being Mr. Salatin's point he wants to get across to folks. IT being the hurdles and obstacles that we all face. IT being why things happen as they do.

This IT is quite simple.

And simple things become abundantly profound when viewed in their entirety.

Here IT is:

We all do NOT think about and view situations the same.  

That's IT.

That's all.

What you do with that information should be up to you.

As citizens of a society where we claim to be free, one of the last remaining freedoms is the freedom to think and feel as we do.

There are a great many people who, after listening to a lifetime of my screaming my brand of reality, will continue to scream their brand of reality.

They, or I, can scream that the other's reality is not real. But for each individual IT is real.

What Mr. Salatin, and I, believe is this:

Each person should be allowed to live their reality and accept the consequences of such.

That is IT.

If you want to hear more about that go find Mr. Salatin at Polyface Farm in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and ask and see and experience. Go find him on YouTube, watch videos of him. Go find his books, read what he says so that you can study on IT and decide what you want to agree with and what you don't.

He says IT all so much better than I.


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