Monday, January 14, 2013

Hhhmmm...Where to begin?

Squirrely Acres is not ACTUALLY a farm YET.

It is more a way of thinking right now.

It is a way of preparing (no NOT doomsday prepping, sorry folks) for what ever may come our way. It is about learning skills and gaining knowledge. Having wisdom to make the best decisions we can, making plans and being able to carry them out.

We want to have freedom. This world is changing all the time and freedom means one thing at one point in life and means something quite different for another time in life. It also means different things to different people.

Here at Squirrely Acres we want to not be tied to a mortgage, car payment, student loans, careers that are more damaging than edifying (and not really providing that much anyway), and stagnant and unhealthy lifestyles.

Each step that gets us closer to that is a good step.

That being said - the most important thing to us is loving and honoring God and our family and friends.

This is not a religious cult or a back to the woods ministry. (Now THAT would be squirrely.)

I just want all to be clear that we are Christian, but will not be throwing the Bible in anyone's faces.

This is more about creating community.

This is about helping ourselves, our friends and family, and anyone else that wants to, learn how to make life better by our improved choices. You decide what you want to improve. I won't tell you what you need to do - THAT is YOUR decision.

Here are some of the things you will most likely see and read about here:

Animal Husbandry
Preserving/Storing/ Preparing Food
Learning New Skills
Sharing Skills Mastered
Food Sources
Farming Lifestyles
Urban Farming
Self Sufficiency
Bee Keeping
Home Construction
Metal Working
Online Learning
Community Resources
Social Responsibility
Free Resources in Urban Settings
Cultural Opportunities
Career Opportunities
and many more things I am sure.

I list these items so that if any of this is just not your thing - you will be forewarned.

Do not come to our little party and listen to what we are talking about and learning about and say that you are offended. Go away and make your own little party. It is just that simple.

Please feel free to comment and share ideas, events, links, whatever you can think of that will help someone else find a way to reach a better life - or just something fun to try. We are pretty open to things.


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