Monday, April 15, 2013

Sometimes Life Makes You Say EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Now, I have to remind everyone that I am 44 years old, grew up on a farm, have been an outdoorsy type of gal all my life, not afraid of too much nature has too offer- except for big nasty hairy spiders!

I love to have my hands in the dirt all the time.

I am familiar with the dirt and the myriad of SOMEBODIES that live there!

I love all the things that we can do with the little guys (and gals) out there in the world to make it better for ALL of us.

You know, ever since I was a kid I watched the earth worms.

Yes, I know how odd that simple statement seems now that I look at it.

My point here is this:

NOT ONCE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE have I EVER seen the reproduction going on in the earthworm's love life....

I have seen dogs, cats, birds, horses, pigs, cattle, even rhinos (while working at the Denver Zoo I got to see quite an array of strange things - not all of which the animals were doing I might add...)

Now that we have a puppy my trips outside at 3:30 a.m.are more frequent now than when I was a young twenty something.

This gives me a great view of the world at a time when normally I would be enjoying some crazy dreams in the warmth of my bed.

This morning right off the front porch was this scene to greet me:

Of course this picture was taken about 8:30 a.m. because well....I am just trying to get myself and the dog out the door before ONE of us pees down their leg at 3:30 a.m. 

My point in being astonished with this all is that 5 HOURS LATER these creatures are still going at it! 

Maybe they are dead and that is how the cold (and it was not cold at all last night) got to them?

I don't think so. 

Anyway, I don't think I got what it takes to be a worm.

THANK GOD on so many levels!

I need another cup of coffee and I will go plant some early veggies seeds.

Stay Squirrely!


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