Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pink Moon

We are experiencing the Full Pink Moon of April.  

How did it get it's name?

According to the Farmer's Almanac it is from Moss Pink, or Ground Phlox that grows so rampantly, or did long ago, at this time of year here in Indiana. 

Last summer I was gifted a huge mess of thinings of Moss Pink in the middle of the drought.

I am one of those that do not want to be ungrateful so I held it over best I could in a shade sunk under about 6 inches of water.

When I got a spare evening after the sun went down I planted it around the west side of the front porch hoping it would not turn into a nightmare of extraction in the coming years....

My life as been lived with connections all around me. 

I have been told "You know....not EVERYTHING is connected, right?!"

For me it is in some way or another. 

I feel sorry for those that do not make those connections. 

It seems life would have no meaning then. 

I saw it written and I saw it say
Pink moon is on it's way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get you all
It's a pink moon
Hey, it's a pink moon
It's a pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon.
It's a pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon.

I saw it written and I saw it say
Pink moon is on it's way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get you all
It's a pink moon
Yeah, it's a pink moon

Nick Drake

I have spent many years almost hoarding my love for an artist until I could not contain it any more. Facebook and other online forums have offered me the release valve to post my constant attention to this ghost of the music world. 

Listening to Nick Drake's music is like reading his personal diary.

Knowing his biography makes me sad for the life not loved. 

He loved his life, but he did not, perhaps, see the love he needed from the world. 

One of my favorite covers of one of his songs is from Elton John. 

I think Elton knew exactly what Nick was feeling and could embody the lyrics almost as well as Drake himself. 

Don't you have a word to show what may be done
Have you never heard a way to find the sun
Tell me all that you may know
Show me what you have to show
Won't you come and say
If you know the way to blue?

Have you seen the land living by the breeze
Can you understand a light among the trees
Tell me all that you may know
Show me what you have to show
Tell us all today
If you know the way to blue?

Look through time and find your rhyme
Tell us what you find
We will wait at your gate
Hoping like the blind.

Can you now recall all that you have known?
Will you never fall
When the light has flown?
Tell me all that you may know
Show me what you have to show
Won't you come and say
If you know the way to blue?

Elton John is so poignant in this at least because his instrument, the piano, is that singly focused machination - plucking(purcussing) of a string - just as Drake's was in his guitar. 

But I think it is more than that.

Drake's songs make me think he was searching for a teacher, a savior, a leader, to navigate this world. 

When he found none, he began to navigate his best, and ran adrift.

Most of us today reach that point at some time or another. 

It is harder for those of us who march to the beat of a different drummer,
 even more so if you are that drummer.

How does one make a path when you are the first to be YOU?!

It is a scary proposition to say the least. 

All the advice I can offer is this:

Who are you making Your Teacher? Your Savior? Your Leader? 

Be careful in whom you rely.

And ponder the Full Pink Moon tonight.


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