Friday, January 10, 2014

A Long Awaited Return!

A long awaited return to Squirrely blogging, and a return to growing things at my place!

It may be a simple, very insignificant start, but it is a start nonetheless.

Like the clippings taken earlier tonight from one of my mother's house plants (in above photo) - sometimes things have to be clipped off and started over to affect new miraculous growth.

The last six months have been a period of clipping and growing for us self sufficient ladies.

(We started the new Fayette County Fiber Artists to help others learn some lost arts and hopefully learn new ones ourselves! Attending IU East for the fall semester pushed the envelope of everything I had in me. Caroling at our local Winter Fest Celebration was a fun, and freezing, experience back in mid November. Adventures in sewing curtains for our new digs pushed the limits to my patience, but our windows are now insulated from the frigid air blasting them lately!)

We are back and ready to begin our adventures anew in this wonderful new year.

East Central Indiana has been heavy laden with snow and below zero temps off and on for several weeks now.

Today saw a high of 42 degrees that I could chart!

Flipping through colorful seed catalogs while thoughts of digging my seed stash out to plan a brand new start to Squirrely Acres this year have filled my days.

Memories of sweating in the blazing sun in a tank top and shorts with black loam shoved up under my ragged finger nails have lulled me to sleep under the layers upon layers of bedding in the dark Indiana winter that settled on us all too early this season.

The Little Squirrel and I are dedicated to bringing our ideas in urban gardening to new areas in the Whitewater Valley in this up coming year, and many years to come.

Changes in our operation and here on the blog will be evident soon.

Please come often and look for new updates on what's currently going on at the NEW Squirrely Acres.

Stay Squirrely, my friends!

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