Friday, January 24, 2014

This squirrel is a bit overwhelmed by obstacles at the moment. 

Yep, yep, I know those are the defining moments in life. 

Well, come spring time I should be well defined I am telling ya! 

Or dead. 

Yep, those make it or break it kind of defining moments.

Many of us are going through those moments as of late, maybe even for a few years now. 

The encourager needs to be encouraged. 

As a result, fate, or life, or... pushed me on a slightly tangent path from what I planned this winter. 

Its as though the harder I worked toward a goal the harder Mother Nature worked her magic to block my progress.

And she is still at it. 


I guess for now I take it in stride and learn some new (and needed) skills in patience. 

Do what I can for now and be ready for when I can do more in the future. 

The set backs of this past year - after so many strides that were made in the previous - have made me feel a bit raw and edgy. 

A bit of a chip on my shoulder too. 

These are life issues one must revisit every few years. 

I AM enjoying my foray into middle age much more than I thought I would be. 

It is so good to know yourself and be respected for that. 

The things I AM self assured about - in a healthy way - give me great joy. 

Those simple pleasures type of joy. 

I think this is one of those very important lessons that need to be learned on a continuing basis throughout life:

being self aware and knowing what to do with it. 

For me the knowing what to do about it requires space, peace, and quiet. 

A contemplation complete and true. 

So many things have been just ...


Like a demanding two year old with a snotty nose and a sagging, rotting diaper. (Gratuitous mommy analogies are what I am all about. Its what I know best.)

I need a mental bubble bath. 

I need to get back to being squirrely, instead of bearish.

Stay squirrely my friends, stay squirrely - tomorrow is another day.

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