Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Thawing Out From This Indiana Winter Ice Age?

THAT is the image of a thawing icicle water drop splatting the balcony of the current location of Squirrely Acres.....

Never mind that our present digs (pun intended) are not the ideal spot for an urban farm - unless you are an unflagging optimist like me!

No, really this winter served to take me right down to the bare optimism I had left to make it through.

Yes, I know it is not through yet, after all our last frost date is about mid- May here in East Central Indiana so....

But today's thawing served to remind us just WHY this seemingly long winter was weighing so heavily on us gals here: the snow had muffled ALL the sounds of nature.

The fluffy white blanket of snow became a death shroud of muffled sound, icy footing, two feet of snow, WEEKS of below zero temperatures and a general deadening atmosphere ensued.

On this morning of a two-hour delay from school THIS is what welcomed our day at about 9:30 a.m.

Good Morning Squirrely Acres!

Sigh....starting seeds is next on the list here for us gals.

Thinking just for fun, and some quick green foliage inside, we will start a sweet potato slip on top of the fridge tomorrow. 

Maybe even some nice little peas by the window so they can climb climb climb up and around the frame!

Stay Squirrely!
- Suzanna

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