Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fairy Garden Adventure

You may have thought we ladies at Squirrely Acres had totally abandoned this blog, but that is not the case!

We have been very busy building gardens with friends and neighbors so that we have many adventures to tell about.

This afternoon we had the chance to journey on an adventure right here at the Squirrely Acres Balcony Farm! 

(As Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm has said so many times before - just because you do not have the acreage you desire currently does not mean you cannot operate your farming venture in your current circumstances.)

The Little Squirrel decided it was time to create this year's Fairy Garden on the balcony. 

Here are some scenes from that project:

We decided to make it into a wicking bed of sorts. (We have yet to install the drain hole and the water fill spout - that will come tomorrow, not the best way, but hey! It's all an experiment right?!)

First we flipped some berry containers with holes in the bottoms upside down to create the water reservoir and secured those with a few rocks.

Next we poured in a gallon of water. (I was just winging it here, not sure how much exactly to add...)

Then we added 12 quarts of potting soil to this container.

The Little Squirrel planned out the placement of all the plants, characters, and features she wanted to include in her Fairy Garden.

The Little Squirrel then planted the flowers, added the figurines, and laid out the colorful gnome path and black cobblestones for her Fairy Garden according to her plan.

The wonderful thing about this Fairy Garden is that it is The Little Squirrel's. She can come out here when she wants and recreate this little world every day, or leave it as it is and enjoy that too.

Here is her run down on all the steps:

Stay Squirrely!

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