Monday, May 5, 2014


Every gardener is busy at this time of year.

It is no different for us at Squirrely Acres even though right now we are head quartered at our "balcony farm."

We have started urban gardening at our apartment balcony, along with helping a few others start the same. 

We are helping to direct a church community garden in the area.

Our family has begun The Johnson Family Allotment Garden at my brother's acreage. 

I have a few friends that have called on my services to help get their lawns and gardens up and going this year already. 

The Lil' Squirrel is learning how to start her own agriculture based business that will hopefully grow as she does. 

Lil Squirrel prepared seeds before planting.

Today I finally took the time I should have way back in January to actually inventory the seed stock Squirrely Acres has left after last year's move from a different town and from acreage to an urban apartment gardening experience.

As with any move, one expects to lose a few items. 

I expected to have lost quite a bit of actual seed stock. 

Surprisingly, we lost very few items!

Equipment can be replaced; books, notes, journals, etc can be recreated or started once again, but once heirloom seed stock is lost it is lost forever. 

Even those seeds that were not heirloom were very important to have on hand. 

We feel rich indeed to have such jewels in our treasure trove of a garden box.

I went the other day to Kroger and purchased some seed potatoes.

Boy did that bring out some closet gardeners when I could not find the seed potato listing on the item look up at the self checkout and had to ask for assistance. 

A few cashiers came over and started showing photos on their cell phones of their gardens from last year. 

It was quite funny really. 

But probably not to the other shoppers behind me in line.... 

Prepping seed potatoes (Red Pontiac) for planting in a day or so.

Well, it is time for me to finish up a few small chores before the Lil Squirrel comes home from school.

Stay Squirrely!

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