Tuesday, May 20, 2014

WHEW!!!!! May is Almost GONE!


It seems I just posted a few days ago!

With so much activity we have been scurrying around in circles.

The Family Allotment Garden, The Church Community Garden, the Squirrely Acres Balcony Farm....not mention the 101 OTHER projects it seems fill every day this sweet spring month.

Flurry flurry scurry scurry! 

VERY apt words for Squirrely Acres right now!

This poem may just well enough explain to you what our labors have been at for the past fortnight:

Thistle, Thistle!

You make me whistle!

Because you attacked me at the church garden

And there is a security camera that will pick up

My condemnation of your utter existence!

Isaiah 6:5

“Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; 
because I am a man of unclean lips…”

Thistle, Thistle!

You make me whistle!

How clever is God

That he planted you right

Where you would do his work where I cannot!

He makes me work feverishly

To rid my life of not you

You, hated of all herbs!

But rid my life of

My unclean lips!

For now I have taken more and more

To Calling out

Thistle! Thistle!

Followed by

Whistle! Whistle!

Instead of the unclean projections

That once blasted from these lips!

So afraid I am of being found out

Of this heinous infraction

That I have finally

Turned to more colorful of botanical names

Instead of naming the pedigrees

Of various livestock animals!

Thistle! Thistle!

Whistle! Whistle!

Now I need a Healing Salve such as He…

I am thinking this may very well be one of my most frequented of websites in the next few weeks.


Stay Squirrely folks!

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