Friday, May 9, 2014

Tucking in the Young Ones!

Today I ran over to the Family Allotment again.

I put in some red onions (that I purchased Wednesday from Whitetail Acres in Brookville, IN), tucked them and the potatoes in with nice fresh grass clippings, watered everything thoroughly, put all the tools away, and came home ready for a shower and a bout of house keeping before a long read in bed tonight!

I, at the last minute, decided to rearrange my evening to get in a few last hours of the day at my brother's place and I was rewarded!

Well, we both were rewarded.

He likes the fact that there aren't these piles of dead grass laying all over the vast lawn and I love to rake them up and use them.

I like the fact that although he is not ready to use them yet he likes to support what I am doing in my allotment. 

We both like that we are willing to help out, but we understand it is hands off each other's allotment too.  

Already we are learning so much from each other and it is that hard to explain part of gardening to someone that has not experienced it before. 

We both view it as play time too.

It helps that as siblings we were both raised to make work as enjoyable as you can because work must be done in life, there is just no two ways about it.

So we choose to do this and share the experience and have fun. 

In a day or two I want to document my making of compost tea an show it here for you all. 

This little bit of heaven for your garden can be made from kitchen scraps. 

Well, I need to head to the shower and than do that house cleaning I was talking about.

Stay Squirrely!  

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