Monday, March 5, 2018

Pause, Fast Forward ... PLAY

There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate leap in the opposite direction.     
Franz Kafka

You will be expecting an explanation as to WHY this blog just abruptly stopped back in January 2016.
I did not stop.
I paused. 
I had things to do away from this Internet thingy.
Helping start a local farmers' market.
Running several gardens around this small town.
Raising my daughter to be a great kid. 
Then, there was one of the most important tasks of my life: Over two years of caring for my aging and then dying parents. 
Ushering them through that stage of life has been one of the most honored labors of my life. Being my children's mother has been the other. 
The last two years have left me with so much to express that it has been caught up in my throat. It has been swirling around in my head. 
The last two years have left me with an incredible amount of wisdom. 
In my life...
I know from past experiences how to recognize those moments when you really really need to pay attention and learn the lessons at hand. 
Because there is ALWAYS a test at The END.
I knew I had to get this one right. 
For my kids, for me. 
For my sanity. 
For my heart. 
For my love. 
As the youngest of a family with five children, I came out watching and analyzing life. 
I figured out all my roles in life hold lessons that are crucial to understanding and loving this life itself. 
All these roles are at the heart of why I created this and my other blogs. 
This life is an incredibly wild, thrilling, crazy making, scary, and a joy filled experience. 
We do not have any choices but to stay on the ride, or check out. 
I have not found it in me to check out yet.
You will see that my love for classic rock lyrics and how they influenced my life has not changed. 
If you are new to this blog, please check out past posts. 
I have two other blogs that I will be pressing the PLAY button on also:
And also:
All three have corresponding Facebook pages to visit, if you like that sort of thing. 
If you don't - Bully for you! Get outside and have a life! 
That's why I do this -  documenting HOW to have a good life in the midst of LIFE. 
So, I am BACK playing squirrely and loving life. 
Stay squirrely, I will be posting regularly again and we will be having fun. 


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