Monday, March 19, 2018

Urban Farm Journal Update

*We will periodically post updates to the daily work accomplished here at the urban farm. I enjoyed reading my great aunt's journals that she wrote for over 50 years before her death in the late 1990's. It gave me an inside look at her daily life. She taught me much in my life and her writings taught me so much more after her death. I hope I can leave as rich lasting legacies for others as my family has for me.* 

Monday March 19, 2018:
Temp was 34 at 7:30am this morning. Supposed to get up to 59 degrees today.
Will have to remember to open greenhouse flap, that will be too warm to keep it closed.
Need to take photos of the mobile green houses to post here.

Sunday March 18, 2018:
Found more seed stashes I had forgotten, so a NEW seed inventory was started. VERY helpful in planning new seed purchases this year.
Purchased herb seed, spray bottles, outdoor garden shed broom, organic seed starting medium, and Snickers Bars for the Little Squirrel and myself for needed working energy...
Checked on the worms, fed them scraps from kitchen garbage pail. Doing well. We check them almost every other day.
Set up mobile seed starting station in the drive way in front of the garage. (Until I make a potting station/bench at the west side of garage I am STILL a mobile unit, but at least on my property!)
Listened to hippie music from YouTube on my phone while I worked:


And ending the day with stuff like this:

(Cooper the farm beagle enjoyed my singing along, but I'm not sure any one else did.)

Started the following seeds for greenhouse growing:
brussels sprouts
Some of these will have several start dates so as to have a continuous supply for ourselves and extended family. Recorded type, qty, and date of starts.
Many more in the stash to be started in the days to come.
Cleaned up the garden supply corner of the garage and swept half the floor space, looking much better, feeling accomplished after the frigid winter temps and down pouring rains preventing me to get out there in January and February. 
Hung up rake and other hand tools on the wall above floor storage area.
Reorganized work tubs. These are recycled kitty litter and bakery tubs from a local grocery. The snap-on lids help store small hand tools, jute, seeds, bottled water, gloves etc. while providing a tote for carrying supplies to hard to reach plots. The lid also provides an excellent spot to park tired rear ends and soothe aching backs.
Tidied up the roof storage area of a small garden shed near the porch.
Swept the front porch and took snow shovel and bag of sidewalk salt to garage storage - this will surely cause a major blizzard to occur within 48 hours, as a rule of thumb.

A recap of journal updates from this past month:

Saturday, March 3, 2018:

I didn't record the temps today.
Sorted out seed stash
Inventoried pots and seed starting supplies.
Determined the 2017 worms died in the small vermi-compost bin.
Prepared worm bin for new worms and garbage.
Bought two new greenhouse units from Tractor Supply Company on clearance for $16.99 each, then assembled them and put on south facing wall of the house (not sure if they will stay there, may have to be moved due to wind, etc.)
Priced farming supplies at TSC
Made paneer cheese.

Sunday, March 4, 2018:
No outside work
Worked on weaving projects

Monday, March 5, 2018:
Bought new worms
Priced various farming supplies at Walmart
Wind blew over one of greenhouses, adjusted the stakes.
Worked on weaving projects
New Territorial Seed Co. seed catalog came in mail today!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018:
Picked up trash blown into yard
Other greenhouse blown over, adjusted stakes on both greenhouses (may have to move or tether down in a different way)
Found supplier for live willow, ground cover, iris, etc.
Worked on weaving projects.
Installed new worms into worm bin, fed with kitchen garbage.

Wednesday March 7, 2018:
Celebrated my son's 29th birthday!

Thursday, March 8, 2018:
Wrote articles on urban farming.
Tried new recipes for freezer storage in the future.

Friday, March 9, 2018:
Worked on weaving projects. Worked new to me, but ancient, fiber arts techniques. Started a braided rug sample.
Researched natural fiber dyes and techniques.

Saturday, March 10, 2018:
Foraged wild fiber materials for urban farm fencing and gate projects.

Sunday, March 11, 2018:
My father's birthday, he would have been 80 years old today.
Memorialized my father and his brother with written pieces and with traditions they enjoyed in their rural Appalachian lives.

Monday, March 12, 2018:
Conducted business operations: Ran errands around town, wrote emails, did freelance work, made new business visits and calls. There is a great deal of un-farm-like business in farm business. If you don't want to be a business manager, then this life is not for you!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018:
Uncle Robert's birthday, he would have been 83 years old today. Jolly Bob was his nick name, 'nuff said about that.
So much of who I am is from the benefits I received, and continue to, from my older family members. So many of them have passed and it is hard to maintain a productive momentum, but that is again how they continue to inspire me. They pulled ever onward and forward all during the hardest times of their lives. Its how I can continue to be close to them. I want to share this part of living with my children and loved ones.

Wednesday March 14 - Friday March 16, 2018:
Wrote articles, interviewed farmers and craftsmen, was interviewed by a St Louis writer friend for an urban farming initiative blog.
Laundry, dishes. You can always count on laundry and dishes to be there in your times of success and need.

Saturday, March 17, 2018:
My sister's birthday, she wouldn't like me to say how old she is. She diapered me while mom cooked and cleaned. She told me stories and took me on long walks in the woods and berry picking and picnics and we washed our hair in the water falls of Garrison Creek when we were young girls. We shared a bed and room when we were young. She has shared every bit of her life with me - her children, her love, her food, her home, her experiences. She is a very good big sister. She knows I am not exaggerating when I say we grew up in the 60's and 70's knowing more about the Little House on The Prairie life than the Brady Bunch life.
Worked on fiber projects.

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