Thursday, May 3, 2018

Urban Farm update: May 3rd, 2018 (Wait, has it REALLY been that long?!)

Hey folks!

We have been busy here at Squirrely Acres, as any farming/gardening family is at this time of year.

The weather here in east central Indiana was just irregular all throughout March and April. Many of the pre-season work had to be done indoors because too wet and too cold followed by too dry and too warm would have killed off the small seedlings popping up.

As it was, we had to keep shoving trays and trays of seed starts around the kitchen in order to cook, eat, do home work, laundry, dishes...ugh! Now most of those items are out in the portable green houses and are sheltered from the storms.

There were weeks where there was nothing we could do but look out the windows wondering if we would even have a spring. This is when I fine tuned the worm bin processes a bit. (At least my hand in it all. Honestly, those guys are hard working little farmers!)

It has warmed up for now, so I worked my ongoing dead hedge project this morning. Not completely finished - it never will be, that is the crux of a dead hedge, all that dead material fosters an ongoing and on-growing process of self sustaining hugelkultur.

Right now that is it. I am going to add three more posts soon:
- Update on the seed list of items we are starting in seeds trays this year.
- Talking more about the portable green houses and the worm bin operations.
- An introduction into the dead hedge hugelkultur mound project.

So for now Stay Squirrely and be on the move with your adventures!

Cooper the Urban Farm Beagle wants to remind you to see what there is to see beyond this digital screen world!

(Cooper trapped behind the couch after falling from his perch on the back rail. This winter was a long one and he became confused, thinking of himself as a house cat that could only bark.)

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