Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day Presents!

My children are always my favorite Mother's Day's Gifts. 

Talking on the phone for over an hour to my son who lives 6 hours away was wonderful. 

The home made flower bouquet made by my daughter and her going with me to pick out more herb seeds was great too.

As  you can see I secreted away some other veg too while I was at it!

Some women have vast shoe or hand bag collections, I hoard seeds. I don't mind too much, and my family get tasty dinners and snacks from it all so they are happy as well. 

As I tend the young plants and seedlings each morning I snip a pinch of this and a pinch of that off the herbs that are popping up more rapidly every day now.

I love herbs! When I was younger, I did not value them as much as I have in the last 20 years or so. I have learned that a healthy variety of fresh herbs added to your meals packs a powerful nutritional punch. The surprising combinations one can come up with for tea recipes is also an unexpected benefit of my obsession.

Here is a my list of herb seed gifts from Mother's Day:

and then the two fruity veg:
Early White Bush Scallop Squash ( a white patty pan type)
Black Beauty Eggplant

I can't wait to get out the bucket of soil and start my new seeds.

Stay Squirrely!

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