Saturday, March 16, 2013

What My Great Grandmother Would Have Eaten

This post comes after many drafts.

There is a certain beauty in the creative processes of writing.

Sometimes, when I want to post a very important and illuminating (to me) piece my internet service provides an AMPLE opportunity to look it over before hastily pressing that PUBLISH toggle button......

I am finding there must be a publishing god out there or....

Maybe God just has my back a lot more than I THINK he does.

Maybe He is preventing me from being that clanging cymbal.

I don't know, but at least I got the chance to look over my last post before I got to actually post it, and I am glad.

I am approaching it differently now....


This has been on my mind a great deal throughout my life for various reasons.

If you follow me you kind of know why, if you don't....

I'm weird THAT'S why!

Not weird as in weirdo weird, but weird as in DIFFERENT.

Not criminally different.

Not emotionally crippling different.

Not immorally different.

I just think in meanderingly crazy paths to get to the same ideas others get to.

My paths are just more entertaining at times.

At other times I drive folks NUTS!

Hence the name "Squirrely Acres."

So this LITTLE article is going to be in 3 parts:

1.This silly introductory piece
2.A brief introduction in to WHO my great grandmothers WERE and why that pertains to YOU.
And then of course -
3.My Main Point of asking this question to begin with!

So to prepare for Part II I want you to take a few minutes and ask these questions of yourself:

1. Who were my great grandmothers? 
2. At what time period did they live?
3. What was MODERN culture like in THEIR day?
4. How did they take care of their families? (Indeed they had families, or where do you THINK you came from - the cabbage patch?! Even adopted children have a heritage that is important to them.)
     a. What were their options for food, clothing, shelter, education, occupations, religious experiences - ALL of these factor into the answer to this point!
5.What influences did they have on your GRAND MOTHERS' choices in life?(This one can be tricky indeed, for most of us never met our Great Grandmothers.)

Try to answer these questions for yourself before reading Part II.

Don't let MY answers influence YOUR answers.

This is an exercise in helping your reflect on what your life IS, and what you WANT it to be.

You have a different map of nature vs. nurture going on in your life than I do.

I offer my reflection as an example HOW to reflect, not what answers to GET from the reflection.

So, here I go keeping to the Squirrely Path.....


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