Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What Would Great Grandma Have Eaten? Part III

I think the thing I like most about crochet is....

" WAIT WAIT WAIT Squirrely Woman!" is probably what you are saying right now.....

Just hear me out - I always get around to what I want to say, somehow.

I think the thing I like most about crochet is that it reflects my thought patterns and how I have lived my life.


Well, with crochet you kind of take the past (the yarn already on the post) and interject it into the present (the work that you poke the hook tip into) and then you take new energy and thoughts (the strand of yarn to be worked into the piece) to create something new out of what you have and the past.

This is what I have always tried to do.

I am who I am who I am, BUT - I can choose to influence myself or let others influence my decisions and actions.

I like to think of myself as a pretty independent thinker, however...

I, like every one of you, am influenced by what goes on around us (the present)and what we are taught (the past).

With this line of questioning I am challenging you to think of your life in new/old terms.

Look at what your life could have been if circumstances were different.

Be thankful for the things that are truly great and good in your life.

Be inquisitive of those things that fall short of that goodness.

One of the easiest ways we can reflect on ourselves is to reflect on our families.

Who they were/are.

Where they came from both geographically and socially.

I think we all can relate to our own families, so that is why I asked you to think about Great Grandma.

She can take us just one or two steps away from our own time and our own realities of 21st century life.

Really, only you can decide if there are things you want to change about your life.

Most of us want to change it for the better.

The easiest and most comprehensive step I can think of is getting a handle on where you food comes from.

It opens the eyes to all sorts of systems and standards that go on in our every day life.

Right now your food supplies come from very few sources.

That is easily changed.

It takes action though.

Thinking about your food will sharpen you for thinking about other changes that need to be made.

Not everyone is going to think about things the same way I do or you do or your brother does or your Great Grandma did, BUT opening your eyes and looking around is a good way to start seeing


If you are reading my blog chances are you are interested in things being different than the status quo.

That's why I inundate you with ideas on how to start changing the things you want to change.

There are many things right and wrong in this world.

Some of my ancestors wanted to change the world and did a great deal toward that end (the Quakers, the leaders, the parents deciding to raise great kids).

And then there are others that just wanted to carry the torch for another generation.

THAT is just as important, maybe MORE important.

Sometimes, you find you are doing JUST what you wanted to be doing.

That, my friends, is a great moment indeed.

Cherish it.

If you do not happen to be in that moment right now I urge you to look at what Great Grandma  (or Great Grandpa) was doing.

Chances are she (or he) will have better answers for your direction than me or any other nut out here on the Internet!

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